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发布人:深圳市钟表行业协会 发布时间: 2005-04-29人气:499


Chief Executive,

Crown Corporation,


“我从 1995 年就开始参加这个钟表展了,展会相当好,是行业里重要展会,聚集了很多海外买家,我可以在这里找到我想要的产品。展会日期和广交会相当接近,来回穿梭在两个展会之间是一件很辛苦的事,不过我愿意从广州赶过来,因为这个展会太值得一看了。”

“I have visited CWJF from 1995, a loyal visitor, haha! The fair is very good! This is an important fair for the industry because Shenzhen has a long history as a timepieces making hub, and there are people from many different overseas countries here. I can find any product that I want. The date of the fair is near to Canton Fair’s and it is hard to shuttle between Guangzhou and Shenzhen. But I am willing to attend CWJF because it is worth visiting.”

Mr. Johnson,



“我在美国看到展会的广告,非常感兴趣。这是第一次参加你们的展会,今天我很早就来到了展馆,四处看了一下,非常漂亮。我 和太太很满意你们的服务。展品丰富,超出我的想象,我想不到在中国有这样高水平的钟表展,我相信这个展会汇集了中国最顶级的钟表商。接下来的三天我会进一步和他们洽谈。“

“I visit the fair for the first time and discover it to be a good place for sourcing products. The exhibition is very nice and we are satisfied with your services. The products are wonderful and I believe CWJF gathers the top brands for watch and clock in China. We expect to place more orders after we have had a chance to study the catalogues we have collected from the exhibitors.”

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